Integrative Rheumatology (Weil Integrative Medicine Library) Free Online

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Integrative Rheumatology (Weil Integrative Medicine Library)

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Integrative Rheumatology (Weil Integrative Medicine Library)

Description for Integrative Rheumatology (Weil Integrative Medicine Library)

Integrative Rheumatology offers a new and much-needed perspective in disease and symptom management, blending conventional medicine with alternative approaches not typically included in a Western medical practice. While conventional treatments can provide considerable symptomatic relief and can even slow the progression of many rheumatologic conditions, integrative treatment incorporating lifestyle interventions, mind-body approaches, and practices such as acupuncture and meditation into conventional medical therapies can improve quality of life, reduce medication dosages, and are generally better tolerated. In this book, researchers and clinicians highlight specific gaps in conventional rheumatologic care and examine how alternative approaches may be ideally suited to address these missed opportunities. Here, the authors introduce topics not typically addressed in conventional rheumatology texts, including nutritional therapies, exercise, herbal medicine, mind/body approaches, Ayurved

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